London, UK

The London Distillery Company

MAxine PRingle @ All design

Studio Pringle Pattern

London, UK

The London Distillery Company

MAxine PRingle @ All design

Studio Pringle Pattern

London, UK

The London Distillery Company

MAxine PRingle @ All design

Studio Pringle Pattern


The London Distillery Company


Testbed 1, London, UK


250 sq m


Maxine @ aLL Design

This interior renovation project was part of the refurbishment of TESTBED 1 in Battersea which Maxine led at aLL Design. The distillery was the first in London to produce both Whiskey and Gin. It consisted of 2 rooms, one for each still, as well as housing fermentors, a work space, a shop and a laboratory. The project was unique in many ways and needed specialist equipment for example ‘explosion proof’ lighting and drainage channels throughout the space.

Studio Pringle Pattern
Studio Pringle Pattern
Studio Pringle Pattern
Studio Pringle Pattern
Studio Pringle Pattern



+44 (0) 777 442 1960